Whilst the value of a Live Trading Room service is undeniable, you should ensure that the structure of the platform is such that you can easily deploy the insights gleaned into your own trading. With many of these platforms relying upon 'off the shelf' meeting and conferencing software, it is imperative that you test any Live Trading Room service before committing yourself to a subscription with the provider.
Trialling a Live Trading Room
Similar to several other tools facilitating online trading, many live trading room platforms offer a trial period prior to purchase. Use the trial period to identify the strengths and weaknesses of both the live trading room platform, and of the trader hosting the room. Ensure that the service enables you to easily and efficiently understand which financial products the room's host is commentating on, and that any additional trading education resources; including charts, audio updates, and Q&A features; are an asset to your understanding of any market movements.With trials ranging in length from 3 to 14 days, the insights gleaned into both the live trading room platform and the broader trading room service can be both a useful and profitable experience.